Hey, I'm Taryn!

Eating is my favorite activity, and feeding people is my calling in life. I watch all of the food shows on Netflix (some more than once), enjoy a nice fireside chat about what I made for dinner last night while I think about what I’ll make for dinner tomorrow night, and have started tattooing a vegetable garden on my right arm.

Honestly, I’m just a girl who loves to eat things that taste good. You can find me eating everything from a garlic butter basted filet mignon to an entire bowl of simply sautéed zucchini to Taco Bell crunchy tacos, and it wouldn’t be surprising if that all happened in the same day

I take pictures of everything I eat and cook because I’m a millennial, and you can find them on my Instagram @whattarynate

my mission

I’ve loved to cook since I was a little girl when I was just barely tall enough to see over the kitchen counter as my dad taught me the correct way to chop vegetables and how to perfectly plate a dessert tray.

My life has always been centered around food, in big ways and small, and I want to bring that joy to others by teaching people to be comfortable in their own kitchens through customized cooking lessons.

Cooking for yourself doesn’t have to be a scary thing. I believe it should be an intuitive, pleasurable experience that ends in a delicious, nutritious reward. Everyone can feed their bodies in a way that is simple and accessible, and I’m here to help make that happen.

Ready to get cooking?

Get started with one of these: