Grill That Cheese!

I’ve heard that April is #nationalgrilledcheesemonth which is a pretty amazing time considering the grilled cheese is the number one sandwich of all time.

Yeah, I said it.

First of all, cheese is the greatest part of any sandwich so having a dish that is dedicated to cheese while also being a sandwich is just epically wonderful.

Second of all, the options for a grilled cheese go far beyond that of a regular sandwich. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love an Italian- style deli hero but there’s only so far you can go with it.

Then there’s the fact that a grilled cheese is hot which is already past the limit of a regular sammie since that would turn into a sub or a hoagie and those focus on protein, not cheese. And we’re back to point one which is that cheese is the greatest.

…Yes, I’ve put a lot of thought into this.

Okay, so I have feelings about the right way to make a grilled cheese. I’m not saying any of them are right or wrong, it’s just that some methods just make it that much better. And the best method is in a pan (particularly a cast iron) with a whole lot of butter. As I’ve previously mentioned, butter makes everything better. And that is especially true for bread.

While I love a hot piece of bread slathered in butter, it’s very different when that bread has been toasted in the butter and the two become one. The edges get crispy and brown and the center stays slightly soft but with that ever so slightly sweet, creamy buttery flavor. I MEAN, COME ON.

Then you add cheese which gets gooey and melty and these things all turn into one fabulous sandwich? Sign. Me. Up.

I’ve forever been a grilled cheese kid and my mom always made them in a pan, so I guess I don’t know any differently. It used to just be some cheddar and colby jack slapped between two pieces of potato bread (which is fantastic, don’t get me wrong) but as I’ve aged, so have my grilled cheese filling choices.

You have to be selective with what goes between the bread as it can only hold so much, and you don’t want your masterpiece to fall apart. It’s also important to remember the four facets of any good dish: salt, fat, acid, and heat. If you put a bunch of caramelized items on your sammie, it’s going to be pretty heavy and rich, plus the flavors will all meld together in a blob.

For instance, if I’m using two fatty, yellow cheeses like colby and cheddar, I’m going to include pickled onions and a chipotle mayo to balance it out. But if I’m using a pepperjack, I’ll do caramelized onions to counteract the heat. Balsamic vinegar or glaze is an unbelievable addition to a grilled cheese, and don’t forget the meats like spicy soppressata or a delicate prosciutto.

The options are seriously endless when it comes to making a grilled cheese. If you’re using fresh ingredients like arugula or pickles, make sure it’s nice and dry before putting it on one of the sides. You can also melt the cheese on top of anything to make it stay in place (great for herbs or leaves)- same goes for any spreads or sauces. Be sure to keep them a little thicker so they don’t result in soggy bread.

Your grilled cheese can be a reflection of your personality or just a result of random fridge finds. Get creative and don’t forget to take a picture!

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. The Mixtape Yogi

    The one thing that you don’t mention that I love having with grilled cheese is ranch dressing on the side. I don’t know if that’s just a weird me thing, but I love me a classic grilled cheese dipped in ranch. Don’t knock til you try!


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