Want To Learn To Cook With Me?

Hello fellow food lovers and friends! You may have noticed that my blog has been a bit quiet for the past couple weeks but I promise it’s for a good reason.

If you’ve been here before then this website probably looks a little different to you, probably even a little (a lot) more purple. Well, that’s because I’ve been working hard on creating something pretty amazing that I am finally ready to share with all of you.

I’m so excited to formally announce the launch of Make What Taryn Ate: in-home, customized cooking lessons here in New York City taught by yours truly! 

Over the years, I’ve learned so much about cooking and food and with that has come a love of sharing my knowledge and ideas with those around me. There’s a saying that if you feed a person a fish, they eat for a day but if you teach them to fish, they eat for life…or something like that. Well, I’m taking that to heart and hoping to help those around me learn how to fish for themselves, except we won’t be actually fishing because who knows what sort of strange things we’d pull out of the Hudson River. 

Here’s how it works: You contact me and say “Hey Taryn! I’d love to learn to cook!” and then I write back to you and say  “Oh man, that’s awesome! Tell me what you’d like to learn, where your skill level is, and anything else I should know about you.” We talk it over and then I come hang out with you in your kitchen and teach you any cooking-related skills that you are ready to learn, using whatever equipment you already have. We can even go grocery shopping together if you want!

Being an independent, productive adult human in this city can be daunting, and we have so many responsibilities every day that some things fall to the wayside, like cooking for yourself. I get it, believe me, but it should be a conscious choice of “I don’t feel like cooking today” rather than “I have no idea how to cook for myself.” 

If you’ve been reading my blogs, you’ve probably figured out (at least I hope you have) that I’m a pretty laidback person. My goal isn’t to come into your home, boss you around and take over your kitchen- ew, that sounds terrible for both of us. Think of it more like you’re hanging out with this funny, mildly awkward, always hungry person who happens to know things about seasoning and roasting and chopping. Maybe there’s even a glass of wine involved, who knows! It’s entirely up to you.

So, with that being said, I am officially open for business. If you are someone who wants to learn some more kitchen skillz, you have very specific things you would like to cook, or you just want to hang out in your kitchen and eat for a couple of hours, please reach out to me! You can use the really cool contact tab up there at the top or DM me on Instagram @lookwhattarynate. 

I look forward to cooking with you (and all your friends!)

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Deena

    Congratulations! Super exciting- not just for Tsryn, but for anyone that utilizes her services. Taryn came to my home and provided me with lessons on spiralized squash- tasty, fun and I looked like a Food Network graduate when I finished!! Whether you want to learn something complex or simply how to cut veggies- I highly encourage you to give this service a try- it’s not just a service, you for sure end up with an incredible new friend along the way!

  2. Ashley

    As someone who had the good fortune to live with Taryn and eat her cooking on the regular, I highly recommend that you listen to her advice and see what she has to say to improve the food that comes out of your own kitchen!

  3. akc

    I promise that Taryn will leave you with feelings of confidence in the kitchen – that you can make and eat what you like!

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